Career Coaching
I love helping people find a career or job that gives them energy and reaffirms their values and character strengths.
As we will spend over a third of our life working, I believe we should apply energy and effort to finding a career which fulfils us. I have worked with a variety of people ranging from teenagers to young adults, as well as established career professionals and people returning to the workforce. There is never a wrong time to seek support with your career and I am here to help.
My Career coaching services can include:
Career Exploration and Industry Guidance
Job applications - Resumes, Cover Letter Writing & Interview Skills
Career Progression - Seeking Promotions, Upskilling & Building Your Brand
Managing Career Transitions - Seeking Something New While Managing Your Responsibilities
Receiving and utilising feedback effectively.
Career Coaching Packages
Whilst any package will be tailored to your needs, below highlights what working together could look like:
Career Starter Pack
Ideal for: Recent graduates or individuals new to the workforce.
Description: Learn to highlight your strengths, effectively apply for the right jobs and increase your chances of success in gaining and excelling in interviews.
Sessions: 3 x 1 hr
Services Included:
Resume & cover letter review / rebuild
Job search strategy
Interview coaching for confidence
Practice Interview & feedback
Price: €299
Career Accelerator Pack
Ideal for: Professionals looking to advance careers or transition to a new field.
Description: This package will provide you with a clear framework to optimise your chances of promotion or career development. Including support through challenges of career change.
Sessions: 5 x 1hr
Services Included:
Comprehensive career assessment
Resume and LinkedIn optimisation
Personalised job search plan
Interview coaching
Networking strategies
Price: €599
Career Transformation Pack
Ideal for: Professionals seeking a major career change or significant advancement.
Description: Using psychometric assessments, skills gap analysis and industry deep dives, receive an in depth career transition plan to support a major career change.
Sessions: 8 x 1hr
Services Included:
Everything in Accelerator Pack PLUS
Personal branding
Psychometric assessment
Skills gap analysis
Ongoing email support
Price: €849
20% OFF all training packages
20% OFF all training packages